“If God is Good, Why is There Suffering and Evil?”

Special thanks to Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church for making these video resources by Dr. Scott Oliphint available for free on YouTube.

Thanks to the people running the Westminster Theological Seminary facebook page for the announcement.

We are blessed to live in a period of time in history where sharing of information is so fast, easy, and simple.  I graduated from high school a couple of years before Windows 95 released, and my family could not afford a computer pre-Windows (IBM anyone?). I bought my first computer (a used one) around 1997-98. I cannot remember if we had internet access right away, I do know when we did, we had a 56k dial up modem. Fast forward about 14 years…

My first  (and only) son was born in December of last year, and he will grow up not knowing what it was like before all the high tech gadgets and technology. Even after all these years, I am still amazed sometimes how far technology has come along in a short time,  especially having grown up without a computer or the internet.

4 thoughts on ““If God is Good, Why is There Suffering and Evil?”

  1. The more we share and overlap on resources, the more we work to promote, advance, and present the Van Tillian Apologetic to present and future generations of believers, especially Calvinists, for the defense and perseverance in the faith, to the glory of our Triune God.

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